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Fast response polymer stabilized blue phase by overdrive technique
Kazuya Goda, Ippei Watanabe, Eriko Fukuda, Kohki Takatoh
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
A method that exploits an overdrive technique is demonstrated to realize fast rise times in devices using the polymer-stabilized blue phase (PSBP). The results indicated that the rise time of such devices can be improved dramatically by increasing the overdrivevoltage because the double cylinder structure of PSBP in the device undergoes a strong torque from this voltage. However, a stable transmittance was not obtained when the overdrive voltagewasappliedfordurationsexceedingthe timerequiredtoreach maximumtransmittance. Byoptimizingthe overdrivewaveform,therise timeof the PSBP device was 80 μs, which was nine times faster than that with a pulse waveform. This result is expected to find use in liquid crystal display applications and phase shifter applications in which high responses are wanted.