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- The human ribosomal DNA array is composed of highly homogenized tandem clusters Genome Res. 2021/08
- Generation of disease-specific and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene-corrected iPS cells from a patient with adult progeria Werner syndrome Stem Cell Res. 2021/05 53
- A founder variant in the South Asian population leads to a high prevalence of FANCL Fanconi anemia cases in India Hum Mutat. 2020/01 41 1 122 ~ 128
- Molecular mechanisms underlying prostaglandin E2-exacerbated inflammation and immune diseases Int Immunol. 2019/08 31 9 597 ~ 606
- TERT enhances the survival rate of human fibroblasts under endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomal stresses Biotechnol Lett. 2018/06 40 6 915 ~ 922
- Magnetic Targeted Delivery of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Promotes Articular Cartilage Repair Stem Cells Int. 2017/12
- Inhibition of telomerase causes vulnerability to endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal cell death Neurosci Lett. 2016/08 629 241 ~ 244
- Mutations in the Gene Encoding the E2 Conjugating Enzyme UBE2T Cause Fanconi Anemia Am J Hum Genet 2015/06 96 6 1001 ~ 1007
- Telomere G-tail Length is a Promising Biomarker Related to White Matter Lesions and Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With Cardiovascular Risk: A Cross-sectional Study. EBioMedicine 2015/03 2 8 960 ~ 967
- Werner Syndrome-specific induced pluripotent stem cells: recovery of telomere function by reprogramming Front Genet 2015/01
- Telomeric g-tail length and hospitalization for cardiovascular events in hemodialysis patients. Clin J Am Soc Nephro. 2014/12 9 12 2117 ~ 2122
- Reprogramming Suppresses Premature Senescence Phenotypes of Werner Syndrome Cells and Maintains Chromosomal Stability over Long-Term Culture. PLoS One 2014/11
- TERT attenuated ER stress-induced cell death Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014/05 447 2 378 ~ 382
- Generation of human induced pluripotent stem (Ips) cells in serum- and feeder-free defined culture and TGF-Beta1 regulation of pluripotency PLoS One 2014/01
- Introduction of a Single Transporter Gene ABCA3 Directs RLE– 6TN to More Type II-like Alveolar Epithelial Cells MEMBRANE 2013/05 38 5 246 ~ 253
- Diagnostic criteria for Werner syndrome based on Japanese nationwide epidemiological survey Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2012/07 13 2 475 ~ 481
- HSC90 is required for nascent hepatitis C virus core protein stability in yeast cells FEBS Letters 2012/05 586 16 2318 ~ 2325
- miR-22 represses cancer progression by inducing cellular senescence J Cell Biol 2011/04 193 2 409 ~ 424
- Association of human DNA helicase RecQ5beta with RNA polymerase II and its possible role in transcription Biochem J 2008/08 413 3 505 ~ 516
- Anticancer activity of RecQL1 helicase siRNA in mouse xenograft models Cancer Sci 2008/04 99 6 1227 ~ 1236
- Induction of mitotic cell death in cancer cells by small interference RNA suppressing the expression of RecQL1 helicase Cancer Sci 2008/01 99 1 71 ~ 80
- Increased chemotherapeutic activity of camptothecin in cancer cells by siRNA-induced silencing of WRN helicase Biol Pharm Bull 2007/10 30 10 1958 ~ 1961
- Enhanced growth inhibition of hepatic multicellular tumor spheroids by lactosylated poly(ethylene glycol)-siRNA conjugate formulated in PEGylated polyplexes ChemMedChem 2007/09 2 9 1290 ~ 1297
- Mitochondrial and nuclear localization of human Pif1 helicase. Biol Pharm Bull 2007/09 30 9 1685 ~ 1692
- Polymer brush-stabilized polyplex for a siRNA carrier with long circulatory half-life J Control Release 2007/08 122 3 209 ~ 216
- Small interfering RNA delivery to the liver by intravenous administration of galactosylated cationic liposomes in mice Biomaterials 2007/03 28 7 1434 ~ 1442
- The Rothmund-Thomson gene product RECQL4 localizes to the nucleolus in response to oxidative stress. Exp Cell Res 2006/10 312 17 3443 ~ 3457
- Exportin-5 orthologues are functionally divergent among species Nucleic Acids Res 2006/09 34 17 4711 ~ 4721
- Significant elevation of IgG anti-WRN (RecQ3 RNA/DNA helicase) antibody in systemic sclerosis. Mod Rheumatol 2006/08 16 4 229 ~ 234
- Biochemical characterization of the RECQ4 protein, mutated in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. DNA Repair (Amst) 2006/02 5 2 172 ~ 180
- DNA damage caused by bisphenol A and estradiol through estrogenic activity. Biol Pharm Bull 2006/02 29 2 206 ~ 210
- Accumulation of Werner protein at DNA double-strand breaks in human cells. J Cell Sci 2005/09 118 18 4153 ~ 4162
- Therapeutic application of RNA interference Nihon Rinsho 2005/07 63 7 1291 ~ 1297
- Tumor suppressor p53 represses transcription of RECQ4 helicase. Oncogene 2005/03 24 10 1738 ~ 1748
- Quantitative analysis of Werner helicase activity using the single-molecule fluorescence detection system MF10S. Biol Pharm Bull 2005/01 28 1 9 ~ 12
- Molecular biology of Werner syndrome Int J Clin Oncol 2004/08 9 4 288 ~ 298
- Isolation and proteomic characterization of the major proteins of the nucleolin- binding ribonucleoprotein complexes. Proteomics 2001/11 1 11 1390 ~ 1404
- A novel protein interacts with the Werner's syndrome gene product physically and functionally. J Biol Chem 2001/06 276 23 20364 ~ 20369
- Biological functions of DNA helicase responsible for Werner syndrome Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso 2001/06 46 8 1073 ~ 1081
- Werner helicase relocates into nuclear foci in response to DNA damaging agents and co-localizes with RPA and Rad51. Genes Cells 2001/05 6 5 421 ~ 430
- Bloom helicase is involved in DNA surveillance in early S phase in vertebrate cells. Oncogene 2001/03 20 10 1143 ~ 1151
- Differential regulation of human RecQ family helicases in cell transformation and cell cycle. Oncogene 2000/09 19 41 4764 ~ 4772
- Human RecQ5beta, a large isomer of RecQ5 DNA helicase, localizes in the nucleoplasm and interacts with topoisomerases 3alpha and 3beta. Nucleic Acids Res 2000/04 28 7 1647 ~ 1655
- Rothmund-Thomson syndrome due to RECQ4 helicase mutations: report and clinical and molecular comparisons with Bloom syndrome and Werner syndrome. Am J Med Genet 2000/01 90 3 223 ~ 228
- Regulation of CDK4 activity by a novel CDK4-binding protein, p34(SEI-1). Genes Dev 1999/11 13 22 3027 ~ 3033
- Bloom's syndrome gene suppresses premature ageing caused by Sgs1 deficiency in yeast. Genes Cells 1999/11 4 11 619 ~ 625
- Rothmund-thomson syndrome responsible gene, RECQL4: genomic structure and products Genomics 1999/11 61 3 268 ~ 276
- Mutations in RECQL4 cause a subset of cases of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. Nat Genet 1999/05 22 1 82 ~ 84
- Genomic structure and chromosomal localization of TCEAL1, a human gene encoding the nuclear phosphoprotein p21/SIIR. Genomics 1999/03 56 2 217 ~ 220
- Human mRNA capping enzyme (RNGTT) and cap methyltransferase (RNMT) map to 6q16 and 18p11.22- p11.23, respectively. Genomics 1998/12 54 2 351 ~ 353
- Cloning of two new human helicase genes of the RecQ family: biological significance of multiple species in higher eukaryotes. Genomics 1998/12 54 3 443 ~ 452
- Sp1-mediated transcription of the Werner helicase gene is modulated by Rb and p53. Mol Cell Biol 1998/11 18 11 6191 ~ 6200
- Cloning and characterization of human Sep1 (hSEP1) gene and cytoplasmic localization of its product. DNA Res 1998/08 5 4 241 ~ 246
- Bloom's and Werner's syndrome genes suppress hyperrecombination in yeast sgs1 mutant: implication for genomic instability in human diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998/07 95 15 8733 ~ 8738
- Physical map of the human chromosome 8p12-p21 encompassing tumor suppressor and Werner's syndrome gene loci. DNA Res 1998/04 5 2 103 ~ 113
- Human stanniocalcin (STC): genomic structure, chromosomal localization, and the presence of CAG trinucleotide repeats. Genomics 1998/02 47 3 393 ~ 398
- BLM (the causative gene of Bloom syndrome) protein translocation into the nucleus by a nuclear localization signal. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997/11 240 2 348 ~ 353
- DNA helicase activity in Werner's syndrome gene product synthesized in a baculovirus system. Nucleic Acids Res 1997/08 25 15 2973 ~ 2978
- Impaired nuclear localization of defective DNA helicases in Werner's syndrome. Nat Genet 1997/08 16 4 335 ~ 336
- Mutation and haplotype analyses of the Werner's syndrome gene based on its genomic structure: genetic epidemiology in the Japanese population. Hum Genet 1997/07 100 1 123 ~ 130
- Cloning and characterization of a novel gene, WS-3, in human chromosome 8p11-p12. Gene 1997/04 189 2 277 ~ 287
- Cloning and characterization of Rep-8 (D8S2298E) in the human chromosome 8p11.2-p12. Genomics 1997/01 39 2 198 ~ 204
- A unique human gene that spans over 230 kb in the human chromosome 8p11-12 and codes multiple family proteins sharing RNA-binding motifs Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1996/12 93 20 10913 ~ 10917
- Hepatocyte growth factor-like protein is identical to macrophage stimulating protein. FEBS Lett 1993/10 333 1-2 61 ~ 66